Event Management
Event Identity
Identité de marque
Médias numériques
Marketing des médias sociaux
Conception graphique
Jubilee Arts est un nouveau programme international créé en 2018 pour célébrer les vastes compétences artistiques et les traditions culturelles des communautés mondiales et vise à encourager une appréciation plus profonde des arts au sein de la communauté.
Développer une identité de marque pour Jubilee Arts et les supports marketing de la campagne de lancement initiale auprès d’un public mondial.

10,000 Artists
49 Countries
14 Categories.
The International Arts Festival is the inaugural event of Jubilee Arts where artists from around the world will come together to celebrate talent in one of three anchor events: a Talent Showcase, a Film Festival, and an Art Gallery. The International Arts Festival is a unique opportunity to experience rich cultural traditions and plurality through artistic expression. Group JKC was engaged to create the International Arts festival brand identity that would co-exist next to the Jubilee Arts logo. To create all marketing collateral for the three anchor events. Work closely with a global communications team, the Lisbon marketing team, and suppliers in and around Lisbon Portugal.

Our mandate was to create an exciting visual experience for visitors for Jubilee Arts. A new international programme held in Lisbon, Portugal to celebrate vast artistic skills and cultural traditions. Whatever your creative passion — painting, architecture, filmmaking, dance, or musical performance — Jubilee Arts unleashed and celebrates these talents from countries all over the world.